German Seacoast Defenses, 1945 (amerikansk)

Nedenstående liste over tyske kystbatterier findes i den store rapport (7 bind) om tyske kystforsvar, som det amerikanske militær lod udarbejde i 1945. 

Listen er baseret på oplysninger fra de danske myndigheder, og er rimeligt komplet. Der er dog nogle mangler, således er de fire 10,5 cm luftværnsbatterier ved h.h.v. Esbjerg og Hanstholm ikke medtaget. Batteri nr. 25 er sprunget over, og hærkystbatteriet ved Vigsø (10,5 cm franske kanoner) er også faldet ud.
Oplysningerne om tidspunktet for batteriernes opstilling er generelt meget upålidelige. Ligeledes forekommer oplysningerne om bemandingens størrelse heller ikke pålidelige.

Som det vil ses er stavemåden af danske stednavne ofte ganske alternativ.
Rapporten findes i Marinens Bibliotek, København:
Report of seacoast Artillery Evaluation Board, United States Forces, European Theater: "German Seacoast defensces European Theater" 20 December 1945.


German seacoast defenses

German Seacoast Defenses, European Theater
Appendix 2
Organization, tactics and training
Inclosure 6
Seacoast artillery installations in Denmark

Note: In the following table, the geographic location of each installation is indicated by the place name immediately following an Arabic numeral. This numeral is also shown on the map, inclosure 5, so that the locations may be readily found. The following abbreviations and notations are used: (1) Units are indicated by means of the German notation: e.g. "3/524 MAA" indicates that the unit was the third battery of the 524 Navy Artillery Battalion; "HKAR" is the abbreviation for army coast artillery regiment. (2) "SCK/28" is the abbreviation for a rapid loading gun, constructed in 1928. (3) "SKL/45" is the abbreviation for rapid loading gun, length 45 times the caliber of the gun. (4) "Pak 40M" indicates an antitank gun model 40. (5) "U" (Unterseebootskanone) is used as the abbreviation indicating a gun originally designed for use on submarines. (6) "Tbts K" is the abbreviation for a gun originally designed for use on a torpedo boat.
1. Aarhus
a. Headquarters, Admiral Skagerrak.
b. Headquarters, 524 Navy Artillery Battalion.
c. Headquarters, 180 Army Coast Artillery Regiment.
d. Headquarters, Naval Pioneers (staff)
e. Headquarters, Naval Pioneers Group for South Jutland.
f. Headquarters, Radar Repair Companies.
2. Sletterhage
Battery Sletterhage, four 15-cm guns (SKC/28) planned, and the foundations completed. Was to be manned by 3/524 MAA (50 men). Range 24,000 yards. Two searchlights.
3. Hjelm
Battery Hjelm, four 15-cm guns, planned, but no construction work started. Was to be manned by 2/524 MAA. Range 24,000 yards.
4. Katholm
Battery Katholm, four 7,5-cm guns (Pak 40M) emplaced in position early in 1945. Manned by 6/523 MAA (130 men). Open emplacement, range 13,200 yards. Two searchlights at position.
5. Grenaa
Headquarters, 523 Navy Artillery Battalion (MAA).
6. Fornaes
Battery Grenaa, four 10.5-cm guns (SKC/32 U), manned by 5/523 MAA (100 men). Emplaced early in 1945. Open emplacement, range 15,700 yards. 360-degree field of fire. Two searchlights.
7. Gjerrild 
Battery Emmedsbo, four 7.5-cm guns (Pak 40M), manned by 4/523 MAA (100 men). Emplaced early in 1945. Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Range 13,200 yards. Two searchlights.
8. Skovsgaard 
Battery Fjellerup, four 7.5-cm guns (Pak 40M), manned by 3/523 MAA (150 men). Emplaced early in 1945. Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Range 13,200 yards. Two searchlights.
9. Udbyhoj
Battery Udbyhoj, four 7.5-cm guns (Pak 40M), manned by 2/523 MAA (100 men). Emplaced early in 1945. Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Range 13,200 yards. Two searchlights.
10. Helberskov 
Battery Helberskov, four 7.5-cm guns (Pak 40M), manned by 6/521 MAA (100 men). Emplaced early in 1945. Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Range 13,200 yards. Two searchlights.
11. Dokkedal 
Battery Tofte, four 7.5-cm guns (Pak 40M), manned by 5/521 MAA (100 men). Emplaced early in 1945. Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Range 13,200 yards. Two searchlights.
12. Hals
  a. Headquarters, 521 Navy Artillery Battalion (MAA)
  b. Battery Hals, four 12.7-cm guns (SKC/34), emplaced late in 1944, first with Danish 12.0-cm guns, replaced one month later by 12.7-cm German guns. Manned by 4/521 MAA (150 men). Field of fire 360 degrees. Open emplacement. Range 19,100 yards. Two searchlights. Three-meter stereoscopic range finder.

13. Geraa
Battery Asaa, four 8,8-cm guns (SKL/45), emplaced late in 1944. Manned by 3/521 MAA (150 men). 360-degree field of fire. Open emplacement. Range 5,600 yards. Old (1910) guns. Two searchlihgts.
14. Saeby 
Battery Saeby, four 8,8-cm guns (six planned) (Tbts KC/13, gun plate data, flak L/45 U SKC C/06). Emplaced late in 1944. Manned by 2/521 MAA (150 men). 360-degree field of fire. Open emplacement. Range 5,600 yards. Two searchlights.
15. Frederikshavn
  a. Headquarters, Seekommandant North Jutland.
  b. Headquarters 40 Navy Artillery Regiment (509 and 521 Battalions).
  c. Battery "Sperrbatterie Frederikshavn". Four 15-cm guns emplaced early in 1944, which replaced the former 12,0-cm Danish guns. 15-cm guns came from the 1923 Cruiser "Niels-Juel". Manned by 1/521 MAA (150 men). Field of fire: left gun from azimuth 340o to 20o; three guns from 20o to 154o; one gun to           172o. Casemated with shields. Range 19,000 yards. Two searchlights. Six-meter range finder. In addition, two 12-cm Danish guns emplaced in 1941, probably not used, but left in place because of their 360-degree field of fire for land defense.
  d. Battery "Flak und Sperrbatterie Frederikshavn South". four 10,5-cm dual purpose guns. Emplaced in late 1944 to replace an 8,8-cm battery. Manned by 4/716 Flak Battalion (120 men). Two searchlights. Four-meter range finder.
  e. Battery "Hindenburg Lager". four 7,5-cm guns, emplaced in 1942. 1914 Danish guns. Manned by 1/521 MAA (150 men). Open emplacements. 360-degree field of fire. Range 9,900 yards.
  f. Battery "Flak und Sperrbatterie Frederikshavn North". Same as South Battery. Manned by 2/716 Flak Battalion (120 men).
16. Bunken 
  a. Battery Ahlback Bucht, four 12-cm guns, emplaced in November 1944. Manned by 1/509 MAA (160 men). 1913 Danish guns with shield. Field of fire 360 degrees. Open emplacement. Range 9,900 yards. Two searchlights Three-meter stereoscopic range finder. Dummy position 800-1000 yards northwest.
  b. Battery See, four 10,5-cm guns emplaced in February 1945. Manned by 1/509 MAA. Old German submarine guns. Field of fire 360 degrees. Open emplacements, range 16,700 yards. One searchlight (150-cm).
17. Skagen
Battery Skagen, eight 12,0-cm guns. 1913 Danish gun, emplaced in 1941. Manned by 2/509 MAA (250 men). Field of fire: four guns casemated, 100o to 220o; four guns 360 degrees. Range 9,900 yards. Three-meter range finder.
18. Tversted 
Battery Tvaersted, four 10,5-cm guns, same as Battery See (no. 18b). Manned by 3/509 MAA (150 men).
19. Hirtshals 
  a. Headquarters, 3 Battalion, 180 HKAR.
  b. Battery Hirtshals East, four 10.5-cm guns, emplaced late in 1944. Manned by 9/180 HKAR, old French field guns in casemates. Field of fire from 292o to 92o. Range 11,000 yards. Two-meter stereoscopic range finder.
  c. Battery Hirtshals West, four 10.5-cm guns, same as East Battery but manned by 10/180 HKAR (220 men). Field of fire 281o to 56o. Battery included one 8.8-cm gun (Pak C/43 L/60). Range 16,500 yards (field gun on wheels which could be withdrawn to a bunker). Two-meter stereoscopic range finder.
20. Lokken
  a. Headquarters, 509 Battalion of 40 Navy Artillery Regiment.
  b. Battery Lokken, four 12,7-cm guns, emplaced late in 1944. Same as 12b. Battery included two 7.62-cn Russian guns and two 7.5-cm guns for local defense. Manned by 4/509 MAA (350 men). Two searchlights.
21. Ornebjaerg
Battery Faarupklit, four 15-cm Danish guns emplaced late in 1944. Same as 15c. Two 7.5-cm guns fore local defense. Field of fire from 219o to 24o in casemates. Manned by 5/509 MAA (100 men). Two searchlights.
22. Slettestrand
Battery Slettestrand, four 12.2-cm Russian guns emplaced early in 1945. Manned by 21/180 HKAR (100 men). Field of fire 360 degrees for three guns; one gun casemated with field of fire from 300o to 60o. Range 21,500 yards. Two 150-cm searchlights.
23. Bulbjerg
Battery Bulbjerg, four 12,2-cm Russian guns emplaced late in 1944. Manned by 20/180 HKAR (100men). 360-degree field of fire. Dummy battery yards west. Two 150-cm searchlights.
24. Vigso
  a. Headquarters 118 Navy Artillery Battalion.
  b. Battery Hanstholm 1, four 17 cm guns, emplaced in 1941. Manned by 1/118 MAA. Casemated, field of fire 335o to 235o. Range 28,000 yards. Two searchlights, radar set. Old German guns (1902) from ships. Eleven-meter range finder.
  c. Battery Hanstholm 2, four 38-cm guns (SKC/34) emplaced in 1942. Manned by 2/118 MAA. Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Range 60,500 yards. (Same guns as Battery Vara, Norway).
26. Klitmøller
Battery Klitmøller, four 10.5-cm guns emplaced late in 1943. Manned by 2/180 HKAR (130 men). Same as No. 19b. Casemated, field of fire 120o (260o to 20o) for two guns, two guns in 360-degree open emplacements. Two guns removed from casemates late in 1944.
27. Lyngby
Battery Lyngby, four 10.5-cm guns emplaced late in 1943. Manned by 3/180 HKAR (130 men). Same as No. 19b. Casemated, field of fire about 280o to 20o.
28. Ager
Battery Ager, four 12.7-cm German guns, same as No. 12b. Emplaced about 1943 Manned by 3/118 MAA (150 men).
29. Tyboron
Battery Tyboron, four 10.5-cm guns emplaced late in 1943. Manned by 4/180 HKAR (130 men). Same as No. 19b.
30. Underbjerg
Casemates prepared for 12,2-cm guns, manned by 19/180 HKAR. Russian field guns with range of 11,000 yards to cover entrance of Limfjorden.
31. Skalstrup
Battery Skalstrup, four 12,2-cm guns emplaced late in 1944. Manned by 18/180 HKAR (130 men). Were to be removed to a position to the southwest to cover the entrance to Nissum Fjord. Same as Number 22. Range 11,000 yards.
32. Vemb
Headquarters, 1 Battalion, 180 HKAR.
33. Kryle 
Battery Sondervig, four 10,5-cm guns, emplaced late in 1943. Same as No. 19b. Manned by 5/180 HKAR (130 men).
34. Halby
Battery Stavning, four 19.4-cm old French guns (1919 barrels, 1887 carriage). Emplaced late in 1944. Manned by 17/180 HKAR (200 men). Three open 360-degree emplacements and one casemate with field of fire from 210o to 330o. Range 22,700 yards. Twelwe two-meter searchlights near Stauning.
35. Nymindegab 
Battery Nymindegab, four 10.5-cm guns, same as No. 19b, emplaced in 1943. Casemated, overlapping field of fire of about 180o. One 12.2-cm and one 15.5-cm gun with 360-degree field of fire for landward defense 15.5-cm French gun (1917) in dome turret. (130 men).
36. Dyreby
Battery Dyreby, four 12,2-cm guns, emplaced at the end of 1944. Manned by 16/180 HKAR (100men) Russian field guns, same as No. 22, without casemates.
37. Borsmose 
Battery Borsmose, four 10,5-cm guns, emplaced early in 1945. Manned by 11/180 HKAR (100 men). Guns not now in position.
38. Vrogum 
  a. Headquarters, 2 Battalions, 180 HKAR.
  b. Vrogum. Battery Vrogum, four 12,2-cm Russian guns emplaced late in 1944. Same as No. 22, but no casemates. Manned by 15/180 HKAR (100men).
39. Oksby 
Battery Oksby, four 15-cm guns, emplaced early in 1945. Manned by 14/180 HKAR (100 men). Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire obtained by special portable mount. Range 18,400 yards.
40. Blaavand
Battery Blaavand, four 10,5-cm guns, same as No. 19b. Casemated with field of fire of about 150 degrees, 240o to 30o. Manned by 7/180 HKAR (100 men).
41. Oksby 
Battery Tirpitz, four 38-cm guns, in two-gun turrets in process of being emplaced. Manned by 4/518 MAA . 360-degree field of fire, range 38,500 yards. One 10.5-meter range finder.
42. Fano 
Battery Gneisenau, four 15-cm guns emplaced late in 1944. Manned by 2/518 MAA. Two-gun turrets, 360-degree field of fire (10 degree dead area 135o to 145o azimuth). Range 24,600 yards. Two searchlights. Six-meter range finder. Rocket firing projector, 38-cm, to cover entrance Graadyb.
43. Fano 
Battery Vesterhavsbad, four 10.5-cm guns, emplaced early in 1943. Manned by 8/180 HKAR (100 men). Same as No. 19b.
44. Fano.
Planned group headquarters, not used.
45. Fano
Battery Paelebjerg, four 15.0-cm old Danish guns emplaced early in 1945. Manned by 3/518 MAA. Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Range 16,500 yards.
46. Fano 
Battery Mosdalsbjerg, four 12.2-cm Russian field guns, emplaced late in 1944. Open emplacement. Same as No. 22. Range 21,400 yards (100 men).
47. Vester Vedsted 
Battery Vester Vedsted, four 12.2-cm guns, same as No. 22 except casemated so that guns can be withdrawn and used in open emplacements. (100 men).
48. Midskov
Battery Midskov, three 8.8-cm dual purpose guns. Manned by 11/522 MAA (80 men). Open emplacements. Seaward fire to guard the entrance to Odense Fjord. Range 15,600 yards.
49. Fyns Hoved
Battery Fyns Hoved, four 15-cm guns (SKC/28). Manned by 10/522 MAA (150 men). Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Range 24,200 yards.
50. Trelde Naes 
Battery Trelde Naes, three 10.5-guns emplaced early in 1945. (SKC/32 U). Manned by 6/524 MAA (100 men). Same as No. 6. Range 15,700 yards.

51. Moesgaard
Battery Abelshoved, four 7,5-cm guns emplaced at the end of 1944. Manned by 5/521 MAA (100 men). Same as No. 4.
52. Silistria
Battery Silistria, four 7,5-cm guns emplaced at the end of 1944. Manned by 4/521 MAA (100 men). Same as No. 4.
53. Halsskov Odde 
Battery Halsskov Odde, four 7,5-cm guns (Pak 40M) manned by 8/522 MAA. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire. Same as No. 4. Range 13,200 yards.
54. Refsnaes 
Battery Refsnaes, four 12,7-cm guns manned by 7/522 MAA. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire. Same as No. 12b.
55. Alleshave 
Battery Norrehoft, four 7,5-cm guns manned by 6/522 MAA. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire. Emplaced early in 1945.
56. Ordrup Naes 
Battery Ordrup Naes, four 7,5-cm guns manned by 5/522 MAA. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire. Emplaced early in 1945.
57. Gniben
Battery Seelandsodde, four 15-cm guns manned by 4/522. Emplaced early in 1941. Old Danish coast artillery guns. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire. Range 18,200 yards. Two searchlights near battery.
58. Yderby 
Battery Vestervang, three 24-cm guns (KM 02/06) range 30,000 yards. Planned but not constructed. Guns brought to Nykjobing from Germany early in 1945.
59. Ebberlykke 
Battery Ebberlykke, four 7.5-vm guns manned by 3/522 MAA. Emplaced early in 1945. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire. Same as No. 4.
60. Klinte 
Headquarters, 522 Navy Artillery Battalion (MAA). A three 10.5-cm gun battery was planned at Klintebjerg but construction work was not started. 
61. Spodsbjaerg 
Battery Spodsbjaerg, four 12.7-cm guns. Manned by 8/508 MAA. Emplaced late in 1944. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire. Same as No. 12b.
62. Salgaardshoj
Battery Salgaardshoj, four 7,5-cm guns manned by 6/508 MAA. Emplaced early in 1945. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire. Same as No. 4.
63. Gilleleje 
Headquarters, 508 Navy Artillery Battalion (MAA).
64. Firhoj
Battery Munkerup (or Hesbjerg), four 15-cm guns (SKC/28) manned by 5/508 MAA. Work started early in 1945, but not completed. Open emplacement, 360-degree field of fire. Guns similar to 12.7-cm guns but without shield.
65. Hornbaek 
Battery Hornbaek, four 12.o-cm, old (1913) Danish coast artillery guns (SKL/45). Manned by 2/508 MAA. Emplaced late in 1940. Open emplacement. 360 degree. Range 10,000 yards.
66. Helsingor 
Battery Helsingor North, four 8.8-cm dual purpose guns. Manned by 3/508 MAA. Open emplacements, 360-degree field of fire.
67. Nivaa 
Battery Helsingor South (Nivaa), four 7,5-cm guns manned by 4/508 MAA. Emplaced Emplacements damaged (sabotage) during the first firing early in 1945. Guns removed. Open emplacements.
68. Copenhagen 
  a. Headquarters, Admiral of Denmark.
  b. Headquarters, 41 Navy Artillery Regiment.
  c. Headquarters, Battalion of Naval Engineers.
69. Roadstead of Copenhagen
  a. Battery Middelgrundsfort, five 30,5-cm (1893) Danish guns (SKL/40), range 26.400 yards. Twelve 17-cm (1893) Danish guns, range 19,800 yards. 360-degree field of fire. Manned by 7/508 MAA. Taken over from Danish Navy 29 August 1943.
  b. Battery Flakfort, six 21-cm guns (SKL/51), range 20,500 yards. 360-degree field of fire. Four 8,8-cm dual purpose modern Russian antiaircraft guns. Manned by 1/508 MAA.
Torpedo Batteries (All with controlled torpedoes)
Fredericia - nine bunkers
Strib - twelve bunkers
Helsingor - six bunkers
Total No. of Batteries on Zealand:    16 
              "                           Funen:   2 
              "                           Jutland 52

Total Batteries 70
7,5-cm - 15 batteries with total of 60 guns
8,8-cm -     5       "                          19   " 
10,5-cm - 17        "                          67   " 
12,0-cm -   3        "                          16   " 
12,2-cm -   8        "                          32   " 
12,7-cm -   5        "                          20   " 
15,0-cm - 10        "                          40   " 
17,0-cm -   2        "                          16   " 
19,4-cm -   1        "                            4   " 
21,0-cm -   1        "                            6   " 
30,5-cm -   1        "                            5   "
38,0-cm -   2        "                            8   "