Contact and Opening hours

Contact and opening hours

Bunkermuseum Hanstholm

Molevej 29
DK-7730 Hanstholm

Tlf:  +45 97 96 17 36


Opening hours

1st February - 31st May
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

1st June - 31st August
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

1st September - 30th November 
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

1st December - 31st January 

Open every day of the week

Ticket sales end half an hour before closing time.
The museum train runs daily in the summer and in the autumn holidays (week 42). See dates and time schedule here.  

Visits at the museum outside opening hours can be arranged, this costs 700.00 DKR.

Guided tours for groups in the museum bunker and the open-air museum, are arranged throughout the year. Please contact us by phone or mail, for further information.

It is not allowed to bring dogs in the exhibition building and the museum bunker. Outside the building are, however, hooks and water bowls for dogs.

Dogs are welcome in the open-air museum.